What is this blog about?

I spend a lot of my time watching things on a screen — on my television or laptop or even my cell phone. If this was a few decades ago I wouldn’t be able to do that and my hobbies would have to be very different. My hobbies might be things like listening to the radio or playing marbles. I think that I would be a very good marble player. 

Now though, like many people, I spend a lot of my day watching things on screens. I watch television shows. I watch sports. Sometimes, I even watch movies to spice it up. I sometimes go to actual sporting events and I could go to a show (if I was classier and liked the theatre), but even then I’d still be watching and not actually participating in what’s going on.

In fact, people are always watching. Even when I am participating in a hobby that has me actively “doing something” like going to the gym or a bar, I have to be watching what’s going on around me or I will bump into things.

In this way, I could make this blog about whatever I want. I am clearly clever and have found a loophole to do just that. For the most part though, I’m going to concentrate on movies, television, and sports— giving reviews and different thoughts. I can write about other things though if I feel like it because I am the boss and it will probably involve, in some roundabout way at least, something I’ve observed take place with my eyes.

I was going to include a joke somewhere about how I considered making this a blog about “What Jeff Smelled” instead of watched and how that’d be ridiculous, but I could not find a good place to weave in the joke. So I put it here at the end. That got me thinking about how we don’t really use our sense of smell nearly as much and that would be a very short blog. One of the smells I do like is lavender though, but you wouldn’t smell that randomly I don’t think—just if someone lit a candle. Dogs have a good sense of smell though and I’ve heard they rely on it a lot. The world must be very different for them.

Anyways, this is a blog of what I watched. No one will probably read it, but that’s fine because if you are reading this I am wrong and someone will in fact read it. That is what we call a paradox.


The Expanse Season 6, Episodes 1-3