Mid May Movie Reviews: The Batman, The Outfit, & Bull

Let’s take a look at three movies that center around a dark and mysterious male protagonist as we roundup what Jeff watched so far this month!

The Batman (2022)

Warner Bros. Pictures, 176 minutes

Matt Reeves’ The Batman is a (rare) step in the right direction for DC Comic book movies. One of the things I liked most about the film is that it really focuses in on Batman’s skills as a detective as opposed to him being depicted as just a really good fighter who beats up bad guys.

The Batman is, in a lot of ways, more of a detective story than a superhero story, with the protagonist just happening to dress in a costume. It’s definitely a take on the character that’s been more explored in comics than in prior movies. I was reminded of graphic novels like Jeph Loeb’s The Long Halloween, where Batman really has to show that he’s the DC Universe’s greatest detective.

The entire “feel” of Gotham City is another thing that Reeves definitely gets right. I’ve always liked the idea that Metropolis (Superman’s base of operations) is New York City during the daytime and Gotham City is New York City at night, and Reeves goes hard for the NYC at night feeling. I’m not sure how this version of Batman would work in a DC cinematic universe since it’s so dark, but in the world of Batman it works great.

My only real complaint with The Batman is its lengthy run time. This isn’t a story that merits the almost three hours that it clocks in at and I think the film would have really benefitted had it been cut down by about half an hour. Still, this a worthwhile watch for fans of the Caped Crusader and anyone who wants a gritty detective story.

Grade: 8.5/10


The Outfit (2022)

Focus Features, 105 minutes

The Outfit is a well-written crime thriller about a older English tailor (or “cutter”) who’s become entangled with a group of dangerous mobsters. He’ll have to outfox them all as his world closes in around him and the stakes get higher and higher over the course of one night. 

Though like The Batman I’d describe this movie as a crime/mystery thriller, the two movies couldn’t be more different in terms of their scale. With The Batman you’ve got a story set in lots of locations throughout Gotham City. With The Outfit, you never leave the cutter’s shop. That’s not to say The Outfit is ever boring though (it’s not). Its story is well-crafted enough and its characters interesting enough to keep viewers entertained throughout.

At times, with only one set, and with various characters coming in and out of the shop afterhours, The Outfit has the feel of a filmed stage play. For those who don’t mind that in a movie, The Outfit is well-worth checking out.

Grade: 8/10

Bull (2021)

Saban Films, 97 minutes

Bull is a gritty British revenge thriller. There isn’t too much original about the story here—a killer/gang enforcer returns after ten years to take brutal revenge on his former gang associates who betrayed him.

Overall, Bull is fine. If you’re in the mood for something violent to watch with an alright story there are worse ways to spend an hour and a half.

** Mild spoiler** There is a bonkers twist towards the end of the film that really doesn’t fit with the rest of the movie at all. It’s sort of hard to talk about Bull without bringing it up, since the film is otherwise largely forgettable. I didn’t really mind the twist, at least it was different, but I could see how some people would really dislike it.

Grade: 6/10


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