Super Mario RPG: How Super is the Nintendo Switch Remake?

Console: Nintendo Switch

Time played: 20 hours

Super Mario RPG is a remake of the original Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, which was released on the SNES in 1996, and has since become a bit of a cult classic. The original game was developed by Square, the Japanese developer behind the Final Fantasy games, and that gives it a distinctly different feel than other Mario titles.

Though I don’t have nostalgia for the original game, I’m a big fan of both role-playing games and Mario, so I was excited to try this updated Nintendo Switch version of the game. It definitely met my expectations, which as they are for all Mario games, were pretty high.

Gameplay-wise, Super Mario RPG shapes up as a fairly standard, turn-based RPG. There are five playable characters that will eventually make up your party and each can be customized with different weapons, armor, and equipment. The game does feel a lot simpler than most RPGs; it sort of has a “gamer’s first RPG”-feel to it. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though, and there were more challenges than I initially expected (particularly with a certain optional boss, and with facing bosses a second time in the postgame).

Having been originally developed by Square and not Nintendo, the game definitely has some unique, non-typical in a Mario game elements, something most notable when it comes to new characters. Geno, a member of Mario’s party, feels like he’d be at home just as much in a Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy game as he does a Mario title. Also, the main antagonists of the game are the Smithy Gang, who are a gang of different types of evil weapons. I think these differences add to the game overall, making it feel unique.

The updated graphics of the game are great. Apparently, not much was changed besides major graphics updates and altering some dialogue, but they did an excellent job. As someone who didn’t play the original, I can vouch for the idea that you’ll enjoy this one even if you don’t have nostalgia for the SNES version.

Super Mario RPG’s story is fairly basic and straightforward, but that’s what you can usually expect with Mario games. It works fine, and I don’t have any major complaints. This would be a fantastic first RPG for younger gamers. At the same time, it provides a great experience for anyone who just wants a fun, lighthearted and pretty super RPG to play.

Grade: 8.5/10


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